Have you been looking for a flexible way to make money? If so, take the next step and join our team. It is easy to get started, and you will enjoy the excellent benefits of being a house cleaner for Crystal Klear Cleaning.

Here are three reasons why joining our team as a house cleaner is the best move you can make.
House cleaning is a very flexible industry. You can work part-time or full-time, and at Crystal Klear Cleaning, we never ask our employees to come in during evenings or weekends. We want our team members to have the flexibility to take care of their family life!
Empowerment Pay
Our employees can make what we call Empowerment Pay. As a full-time or part-time house cleaner, we provide paid training that allows you to earn top pay in just a few weeks. Then you can decide how much you want to make. We also offer bonus and commission opportunities.
Health and Wellness
House cleaning is one of the most satisfying jobs out there. Not only do you get to make a difference in people's lives by making their living spaces look and feel better, but your health can also reap the benefits. According to WebMD, just one hour of general cleaning burns an average of 246 calories. So, staying fit while making money is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Crystal Klear Cleaning is a house cleaning company that values the needs and desires of its employees. As a result, we empower our team members to grow their careers in a positive working environment with family-friendly hours.
We offer paid training, so there is no experience necessary, but we ask you to bring your friendly attitude and motivation to do a great job for excellent money.
So, if you're looking to make a change, we want to talk with you about becoming a Crystal Klear team member!
We're hiring for house cleaner positions across our service area — including Aurora, Bolingbrook, Carol Stream, Lisle, Lombard, Naperville, Plainfield, Wheaton, and surrounding areas.
We would love to hear from you! Please give us a call at 847-722-9659 or submit your application at www.crystalklearcleaning.net/careers.